Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Update on Baby #2

Today we are at 14 weeks and 2 days. We have 25 weeks and 5 days to go. We are now in the second trimester! Our little bundle is as big as a Navel orange (4.5 in, 2 to 3 oz).

Our baby is growing by leaps and bounds these days. The baby's neck is getting longer, helping his or her head stand more erect. Our baby could be sprouting some hair and the eyebrows are filling in.

It feels so good to be over the three-month mark and I'm feeling much better than before.

I'll continue to keep you posted!

15-Month Check-up

I had my 15 month check-up today and it came in perfect time. I had lots of questions and concerns.

Here are my updated stats.
I now weigh 20 lbs 8 oz which puts me in the 14.59 percentile based on weight-for-age.
I am 2' 6.51" tall which puts me in the 50.87 percentile based on length.
My head is 18.5" in circumference which puts me in the 79.76 percentile for head circumference. (This is due to me being so smart!)

My doctor is going to fix my cold for good this time and also my "winter-skin".

I go back at 18 months and I will have just one vaccine to complete. Then I should be done for a while!

Sorry, no pictures. Maybe next time.