Friday, November 26, 2010

My First Thanksgiving!

It was a long day but well worth the traveling, the dressing & undressing, going in & out of my carseat, and being passed around.

My day started off with seeing my surprising first snowfall! It didn't last long, didn't amount to anything and it quickly turned to rain.

We had a wonderful dinner at Mom-Mom's house with her and Uncle John. I was told about mommy's favorite stuffing that Mom-Mom makes along with daddy's favorinte ham-loaf. Can't wait till I can eat real food!

Next we were off to Grandmom and Gandpop Yarrington's house. My family around this table was Uncle Ken, Great Granny, Pastor Andy Curtis, Grandmom, Grandpop, Great Aunt Carol, Great Uncle Harry, Aunt Lucy and Uncle Robb. Daddy especially enjoyed Grandmom's sweet potatoes and pecan pie!

My most special moment by far was meeting my Great Granny! Not many kids are lucky enough to even have a Great Granny! She held me, smiled at me and even burped me! We tried getting a picture of the four-generation of Yarrington's but it didn't turnn out so well.

Here are some pictures that will take you though my day!

Here I am with my Mom-Mom and me after my Thanksgiving dinner bottle!
Here are the four-generations of Yarrington's; Great Granny, Grandpop Jim, Daddy and myself!

Here I am with my Great Granny!

Here I am saying good-bye to Great Granny and one of daddy holding me.

Here's me with my Great Uncle Harry.

Here I am with my Aunt Lucy and Uncle Robb!

And last but not least her I am with my mommy and daddy!

I hope the rest of my family had a special day as well!
Love to you all!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tomorrow is...

My first Thanksgiving!
I already have so much to be thankful for!
Most importantly I have parents who love each other. They also love me SO much! They feed me every time I cry my "hungry cry", they hold me and rock me, they keep me clean, and they take the time to figure out my many needs.

I also have four sets of grandparents that I am very grateful for. They too love me and are proud to show me off whenever they can. Tomorrow I will get to see my Mom-Mom and Uncle John for dinner and I'll have dessert with my Yarrington Grandparents and many Aunts and Uncles. What I'm looking most forward to is meeting my Great Granny! We will have four generations of Yarrington's together. (Granny, Jim, my daddy and me!)

For my family members that I don't get to see tomorrow, I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
This was me this morning but check back again soon for pictures from my first Thanksgiving!
Love to you all!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Game Day!

Today is a big day for the Eagles; they are playing the NY Giants. We are a family of Eagles fans and now thanks to my Aunt Lucy, I can proudly support my favorite football team. I may even be the youngest Eagles fan out there! It's fun to share this time with my daddy too!
E-A-G-L-E-S  Eagles!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

First Bath!

I'm almost six weeks old and finally my cord falls off. Up until now I've only gotten a sponge bath (which I love) but today I got my first tub bath! I was such a good girl and I seem to enjoy the water. Take a look...
It took both Mommy and Daddy to wash me but I smell good, I'm happy and I'm getting sleepy.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Me in my Play Yard

It's nice having daddy home on the weekends. We are able to take more pictures and even get them posted!
Here is Alexis in her play yard. This was an awesome gift we got as a shower gift. She's not able to reach the toys just yet but they rattle and play music and she enjoys her time in it!


It's something I do often but not long enough for mommy or daddy to catch on film. Well, today they caught it! I was having such a good morning and I was a very happy baby! Here is the picture to proove it!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm one month old today!!!

Where did the time go! Alexis has certainly changed our world! She is so beautiful, yet a handful! We continue to learn from her, work with her needs, likes and dislikes and she continues to grow and learn new things.

Tuesday I had her to the doctors and she now weighs 7 lbs 12 oz. Yesterday she actually found her thumb and started to suck for a few seconds! It was the cutest thing to watch and listen to. I'm not sure it's something I want her to do, but I guess that too will be out of my control. (I remember saying we were going to try to not use the passifier but at night it can be our life saver!) She is a little girl who knows what she likes and wants!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Grammy Sue and Grandpop!!!

Finally I meet my Grammy Sue and Grandpop!!! We spent the day together letting Grammy spoil me! I was able to show off my super strong lungs and I reminded them just how sweet of a child my daddy was! Grammy helped soothe my tummy by rocking me and rubbing my back. Thanks Grammy!