Sunday, February 27, 2011


Last night was my Uncle Bob's Surprise 40th Birthday party!
We had a busy afternoon and it was filled with seeing old friends and meeting more family for the first time!
Here's my Uncle Bob coming in the door being surprised to find out that the party was for him!
Here I am with my Uncle Bob wishing him a Happy Birthday!

My Aunt Sally, cousins Amy & Micah and their son Blake, and Nikki and her son John came for the party. This was the first time I got to meet them.
Here I am with my cousin Amy and a pic of Amy holding her nephew John.

Here is Mom-Mom holding me and mommy holding John.

Here I am with my Aunt Sally next to my cousin John. John is eight and half months old!
Here is a family pic!
Me and my daddy!
Here I am eating banannas for the first time and my Uncle John showing me a balloon.

And last but not least, here I am with my friend Aubrey. She is one week older than me.
I told you it was a busy night for me!
I'm glad I could be there though! It was so good to meet more of my family!
Happy Birthday Uncle Bob!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

My newest discovery!

Not only do I know what my tongue is and where it is, but I've found my lips and they taste really good.
Take a look!

A perfect Friday night!

Last night my cousins Chris, Heidi, (and their kids) Tannor, Sorrel, Morgan and Hunter came over to see me! It was especially cool because this was the first time I got to meet them. They brough pizza and we visited until I had to go to bed.

Sorrel and Morgan played with me, Hunter made me laugh and Tannor talked to me too! Heidi got to feed me and when my cousin Chris held me he told me all about how it brought back memories!!!! I was so content in his arms.

Take a look at our night...

Now that's what you call a good night!
They promised we could do it again real soon!

Thanks for coming to visit me everyone!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Exciting news to share!!!

I want everyone to know that for the last five nights I've slept straight through the night!!! How cool is that for mommy and daddy!

It could be that I was just ready to start doing it, or it could be that we found a new cereal for me and it's making me feel much better! Either way we are all very excited that I've started doing this!

P.S. Mommy wants you all to know that when I wake up in the morning I'm happy, smiling and usually playing in my crib! I'm such a good little girl!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Me eating!

We promised a video of me eating.
Last week when we were at the doctors she gave the "go-ahead" and said I could start eating Stage 1 baby food. It was up to mommy to start me on either a vegetable or a fruit. I guess she thought it was best for me to start on vegetables. She chose squash (which I think is her favorite) and by golly, I liked it too!

How starting new food works is, I have to eat the same food for three days in a row to see if I have any reactions to it. Last night was my last night of squash so tonight I'm on to something new. (I'm pretty sure it's Tender Sweet Carrots!)
Take a look at me eating off the spoon.
I never said I wasn't a messy eater!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Daddy please...

Can we turn the heat on in this house?
No? Why not? I don't like having to wear a hat in the house.


My Grandmom Wiszneski came up from Florida to visit her family and stopped in to see me and my cousins. It was so nice to finally meet her. We had a good visit and we'll see her and my Grandpa again soon when we visit them in Florida.
Here I am with my cousins (Sierrah and Myranda) and my Grandmom.

Too cute for words

Enough said!
(All the thanks to my Aunt Debbie for taking this picture!)

Bring on...

I'm Lilltle Miss Sunshine today! I'm tired  of the cold weather and I'm ready for some sun and warmth!
I have a thoughtful Aunt Lucy and she knew I would look so cute in this bonnet and booties! She was right!

Thanks Aunt Lucy!
See you soon!
Love ya!


My friends Mike and Amy and their daughter Emily are spending some time in Germany. I hope they are checking in often to see how I'm doing. I miss them! My mommy was holding the camera towards me, I grabbed it and took this picture.

It's especially for Mike!

"Why you all up in my grill?"

A visit with...

My Great Granny!!!
It's been a while since I've seen my Granny last and I've missed her! We had a nice visit with her.

My Granny has a Birthday coming up...she'll be 89! Doesn't she look great? This next picture is priceless...I've got a good hold on my Granny!

We'll see you again soon, Granny!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

4 Month Update

Today was my four month check up at the doctors. Thankfully I didn't know when I left the house where I was going. This was me...
I woke up at 6:00am this morning just to play and talk. If you take a listen I was calling for my daddy and ended up waking him up much earlier than he wanted to be.

So what everyone wants to much have I grown???
I weigh 14 pounds and I'm in the 54.50 percentile.
My head is 41 cm around. That puts me in the 47.45 percentile for head circumference.
My height is measured at 2' 1.32". Believe it or not that puts me in the 83.09 percentile based on length. I am going to take after my daddy and be tall!

Since mid January I've been eating rice cereal and since the beginning of February I've been eating oatmeal. Today I got the approval to begin eating fruits and vegetable. Mommy started me on squash! I will have three days of that before I move on to something new.

We'll post a video soon of me eating my cereal and fruit/vegetable.

I haven't rolled over yet, but even my doctor says I'm really close...any day now. I do however roll side to side, arch my back and when I'm on my belly I straighten my arms. I can't sit up on my own yet but with help I will pull my self up and even stand up!

I'm still sucking my fingers, my thumb (as long as mommy doesn't catch me!), and my toes! I still take to my paci. and anything else I can get my hands on!

I still enjoy all my toys and I continue to make my bouncy seat bounch all by myself!

Unfortunately I did have to get two shots and an oral vaccine. My legs are sore and it's made me a bit achy. (Nothing a little tylenol wont fix.) Lucky for me it was a beautiful day and my Aunt Debbie took me out for a walk to the bus-stop. Check me out!
I hope to feel better tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A very special breakfast!

Today was a very special morning. After seeing daddy at work, in my last Valentine's Day outfit, mommy and I had breakfast with my Great Aunt Carol! We haven't seen her in a while so it was very nice to spend some time with her.

At the end out of breakfast she surprised me with my very own hand-made quilt and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! I  love it so much! It's pink, it has hearts and butterflies on it, little girls and flowers and my name at the bottom. Take a look at this special, one of kind, present!

Of course I showed my love for it by putting it in my mouth!
And here I am listening to a wonderful story!

Thank you so much Aunt Carol!

V-Day 2011

My first Valentine's Day was special with all my fun and adorable outfits!! I had four days of celebrating!
Which outfit looks the best on me?
This first pic is of me in the outfit we surprised daddy with!
This next pic is of me in the outfit my Mom-Mom got for me!

Believe it or not this next outfit came off the clearance rack...$6.00!!!

This last outfit mommy couldn't refuse. We even went to daddy's work today to show it off!
I'm a special little girl!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


and closer every day!
I've begin to arch my back and I think it's going to help me make the final roll-over!
We'll keep you posted. It could be any day now!
and another view...
Again, real close right?

My new look!!!

How do you like me now???
Yes, I discoved my tongue and how to stick it out!!!
(I know it's not nice to do but I'm so cute with it out!)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I'm four months old today!!!

Oh how time flies...Just look at me! Here I am in my jumper...I still enjoy being in it!
This was my photo session so mommy had pics to post for today!

This was a lucky shot...I don't suck my's usually one or both hands...OR...

YEP, my toes!!! As you can see they reach my mouth and anything I can get my hands on, goes in my mouth!
Here I am at the end of the night with my daddy, and again, trying to chew on his fingers too!

Happy Four Months to me!!!