Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I was asked...

a very interesting question the other week.

I was asked "with all the things first-time moms tend to give up durring their pregnancy, what do I miss the most and can't wait to have once I have our little Alexis"?

I was never a huge chocolate lover, so I certainly don't miss not being able to eat chocolate. It's probably better if I don't eat it, ever again!

Ben and I were never huge drinkers, so not being able to have a glass of Riesling at dinner for nine months (or for the time I will be feeding Alexis) doesn't bother me too much either.

I think what I'm craving the most and what I can't wait to have again is Sushi!!! Ummm I love the Lobster Dynamite Roll at Ooka! Hopefully that will be our first date-night outing as new parents, (just as it was on our very first date)!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Awaiting her arrival...

We have been working really hard to get her room in order. I've washed a lot of clothes, done some rearranging and as Ben says "been nesting like a mad woman". I feel really good about bringing Alexis home and showing her the new room!

I've learned that she won't fit right in to Stage 1 diapers and that she needs the newborn size first! I've also learned that I only need to make room for 0-3 and 3-6 months clothing. (I didn't need to wash everything all at once!) Ben is learning what diapers cost and just how quickly someone so small and precious can take over our condo!

Here are two pictures of her room. Don't worry, when she is ready to sleep in her crib I know to remove the stuffed animals. I've also been told the trick of when she outgrows an outfit, to take it out of the closet and pack it away!

Thanks again to everyone for helping us make her room, her own!

It's Shower Time!!!

We have a lucky little girl in my belly. The first surprise was a shower thrown by my mom and sister-in-law. I was told we were going to Mryanda's birthday party. At the house was about 20 of my family, friends and co-workers!
It brought back memories of a little over a year ago, when we were there for my bridal shower! It was again a beautiful day, fun filled with games and prizes and many, many gifts to open. Our little girl is surrounded by family and friends who already love her so much!

My second surprise came on a day when I wasn't feeling my best at work. It was a busy day, I had so much work to do (planning on my LOA), and I wasn't feeling my best or looking my best. I was asked to go for birthday cake and once I got to the top of the ramp I noticed two dozen or so of my fellow co-workers. I was completely shocked! They got me! I work with very kind and generous people who are also very anxious to meet our little girl. We got gift cards, clothes, hand-made items and books.

Our third and final surprise came when I was asked to come to the Mill because both Ben and Jim were getting a "Sportsman's Award". I was so excited for Ben and was so excited that I was able to make it. When we got down the stairs and rounded the corner Ben and I noticed the balloons and gifts. It was a shower for Ben from his co-workers! Needless to say I was quite upset that he wasn't really getting an award.

We had a beautiful spread of food, my favorite Jewish Apple Cake and a beautifully decorated butterfly cake. Ben also works with thoughtful and generous people who can't wait the arrival of Yarrington Mills 5th generation!

To all of our family, friends and co-workers we say Thank You! These parties were so wonderful. We appreciate the time and effort you gave to make the arrival of our little Alexis so memorable! It's amazing to feel the love that surrounds us both within our families and also within our work families.

I've expressed to some close friends that many years ago I had thought my dream of finding my very best friend & soul mate, and my desire to have a family was lost...and then I met Ben and my life has changed. I tell him all the time that I love the way he loves me! We recognize this next step in our life's journey together is going to be new and a learning process as we go. What I already know now is that Ben's love for his daughter is going to be nothing less than the love I receive and she is going to be the luckiest little girl in the world to have him for a Daddy!