Monday, December 31, 2012

we've moved...

Hello everyone. I've reached my capacity on this current blog page, so i've created another one. Please go to

Sorry for the delay in getting this set up. Remember to book-mark the new site for quick, future reference!

As always, thanks for checking in on our family!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hatboro Parade

Today we went to the Hatboro Thanksgiving Day Parade!
We met up with Miss Maya, Mr. Jarred, Brayden, Miss Heather and Ellie!

I had a great time!

Alexis helping Daddy rake leaves!

It's a special occasion!

And this special occasion calls for a Popsicle!!!!!

Any guesses why me and daddy are having a popsicle???


When ever I go poopy or pee-pee in the potty, I get to have a popsicle with Daddy!

It was just the first time but I got a popsicle, a sticker on the calendar and mommy and daddy are SO proud of me!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Dinner

Tonight, Aunt Carol and Uncle Harry came to visit us! They brought us dinner and I had a really great time!

Aunt Carol brought me a Sesame Street coloring book and she brought Avery a bib with her name on it! Thank you Aunt Carol for my coloring book! I've already colored on almost every page.

Although dinner was goo,d my favorite part of the night was when Uncle Harry read to me! First he read Once Apon a Potty and then he read me my Gruffalo book! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

"Yes, I am paying attention!"
Thank you Uncle Harry for reading to me. I'm going to bring more books to Thanksgiving dinner!
See you soon!

Love to you both,

Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Pop-Pop

Hi Pop-Pop!
I hope you have a very Happy Birthday!
I miss you and love you!
Feel better soon!

Love, Alexis & Avery

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Down the stairs

This is too funny, not to share.
Alexis can go down the steps in seconds. In this video she is holding shoes so that holds her up a bit. She normally goes faster than this!
Take a look!

Alexis's Halloween parade

Today was Alexis's Halloween parage at school!

Here are a few pics from her party!

This is a picture of all her friends in her class.
Logan, Ellie, (teacher) Miss Joan, Bee, Landen, Brynn, Ava, Alexis (teacher Miss Traci is actually from Avery's classroom) and I'm not sure who she is holding.

She had a fun party after the parade!

Avery's 4-month check-up

Avery's 4-month check-up went very well today!

These are her stats.
She stands 2' 0.75" which puts her in the 63.68%ile for length.
She weighs 14lbs 5.3oz which puts her in the 53.68%ile for weight.
Her head is 16.38" which puts her in the 77.97%ile for head circumference.

She got two shots and one orally. She handled them very well.

We are now able to start her on solid foods!
I will be starting with rice cereal and she can have this morning and at dinner time. After a 4-5 days of rice cereal, I can start her on first veggies then fruit.

This is one of her first major milestones! I tried it tonight with her, but I don't think she is ready. Either she's not ready or she just wanted to go to sleep. :)

 We'll keep trying!

They are happy she is cooing, smiling and laughing! She is enjoying "tummy time" now! She keeps her head up and is trying to lift herself up.

We are still waiting for her to roll over. I think it will be soon, but it hasn't happened yet.

She will be 4 months old tomorrow, so check back in for her picture with the monkey!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Guess again!

Who's who?

Halloween and new pics

Hi everyone!
Sorry, it's been a little while since I've last posted. It's been a little bit crazy in our household with Hurricane Sandy, my dad's illness (Grandpa in FL), and Halloween.

For a quick up date on all: we very extremely lucky with the bad weather Sandy brought to us. We had one piece of siding come off the front of the house. Our neighbors wern't so lucky and lost a tall pine tree in to their house.

My dad had a minor heart procedure done and will be coming home today to get better! Praise God for that! This is especially nice since his birthday is on the 9th!

Trick or Treat was moved from Tuesday to Saturday. We went out yesterday for a short bit. It was cold and windy. Alexis was a big trooper and enjoyed going door to door. Avery on the other hand fell asleep.

Alexis (and Avery) will have her Halloween parade at school on Tuesday, so I will take the girls over for that.

Tuesday is also Avery's 4-month check up appointment so check back for her update. She will be 4-months already on the 7th! I will be posting updated pics of her with the monkey.

Here are a few recent pics. Sorry for the quality; they were all taken with the camera on my phone.

Alexis is a very good big sister! She is a big helper and enjoys feeding Avery.

The next door neighbors tree that fell down with the storm.

Alexis doing Daddy's hair! Maybe she'll take after Aunt Debbie and become a hair dresser!

Alexis is reading to her babies and also to Avery!

She also loves to give Avery big hugs!

Alexis was a Bumble Bee for Halloween.

Avery was a flower!
Bumble Bee, flower. Get it? (Bee's like flowers!)

Avery has been talking up a storm and has even started laughing!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A busy Saturday!

Today we started out at The Malvern School for their Fall Harvest. They had a book sale, painting with apples, apple bowling, other small activities and snacks! From there we went to the pumpkin patch!

This is one of Alexis's teachers; Miss Joan (AKA Joany Macaroni) Here is Alexis making a pretty picture with apples and paint!

This is Miss Pam! (She was Alexis's teacher in her last class room!) Here she is bowling.

Yes, we met up with Ellie there! Here they are bowling with apples!

They were supposed to be throwing bats into the pumpkins, but they decided to take a rest!

Here they are eating cookies and looking at the books for sale!

Now we're at the pumpkin patch!
 Pumpkins galore!

Mommy and Avery! (No Alexis. She wouldn't pose with us.)

She was fasinated with climbing the fense.

Perfect size pumpkin for our little girl!

This was the smile I was hoping for, in the pumpkin!

Of course Alexis had to get in and see what it was like to sit in a pumpkin!
Enough excitement for one day!
Love to everyone!