Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today my Aunt Debbie was playing with my hair and was able to make a barrette stay in my hair. You dont see it in pictures but I almost have enough hair on the back of my head to put in a little pony tail. Up top is a different story. I have a feeling with my Aunt Debbie being a hair dresser, I better get used to her playing with my hair.

Bathing Beauty!

I still enjoy the water and my bath time! I'm just as beautiful in a towel as I am in any pink dress!!! As you can see I also love watching the TV!


I still enjoy my time in my play yard. I'm kicking more and reaching more so it's become a bit more fun for me. I usually get back and belly time every night before I go to bed.
I do have a few other toys I'm learning to use. I have a bouncing play seat at my Aunt Debbie's house, I have my Sassy Jumper that I've learned to swing in and soon I'll have my exersaucer to try out.

My Sassy Jumper has a mirror on it that I found! I'm such a pretty girl!

Story time

I think this is going to become my new favorite past time! We are actually reading a bunny book that my Aunt Kristy sent me for Christmas.

Thanks for the book Aunt Kristy!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Talking Back Already!

Oh yes, I am!!! Over night I learned this new baby talk language and I just love hearing myself go on and on and on! It's too cute!
and some more...
Isn't this just adorable?

Teething already???

Could I really be teething? I constantly have my hands in my mouth and I'm drooling through bib after bib after bib! Mommy thinks it's so cute to listen to! She even video taped me! Watch!


Quirks at such a young age!!!
For whatever reason Alexis doesn't like having her feet covered. And by that I mean, she dosn't like socks on her feet and she will work and work to get them off. She also doesn't like having her legs covered by blankets.
Take a look! This is what you call determination!

Guess Who???

Grammy Sue will appreciate this one! Who do I sound like Grammy? Can you tell if this is your Granddaughter or son??? LOL!
It's me Grammy, but don't I sound just like my daddy?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Apple hat

Here I am in the Apple hat Grandad Yarrington picked out for me. It went really well with my outfit. This was the first time mommy dressed me in a pair of jeans! Can you believe they make jeans in my size?
P.S. this is the bib that mommy won't let me wear outside of the house!!!

New things continued...

In my first "New Things" post I told you that I can hold my bottle. Mommy finally took a picture of me holding on to my bottle for everyone to see!
Aren't I such a big girl?

I am also lifting my legs up and rolling to one side. Mommy thinks I'm so close to rolling over. She doesn't want to miss it, so she often takes videos of me trying. Take a look!
 I've also found my hands and find my finger to be very fascinating! Watch!

I'm three months old today!

Can I get any more cute than this???

People often ask what color my eyes are. Well, they are blue! They are a dark blue and it makes it hard to see in pictures. Here's a close up of me where it shows my BIG blue eyes!


Monday, January 3, 2011

Warren Family Christmas!

This past Sunday was the Warren Family Christmas gathering. Aunt Brooke was kind enough to host again this year and everyone had a good time watching the Eagles game and eating all sorts of good food.

It was especially great for me as I got to meet a lot more of my family members for the first time...My Great Aunt Linea and Great Uncle Gary, second cousins; Chad and Micah; Micah's wife Lindsey and my Uncle Mark, Aunt Susanna and cousins Sereph and Roland.

Here are a few pics!
Me with Sereph and Aunt Susanna!

Talking to Sereph!
Aunt Brooke, where's your Eagles Green?

Grammy Sue, Grandpop and Aunt Kristy, we missed you!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas pics

Happy New Year everyone!
Sorry it's taken mommy so long to post pictures of me from my first Christmas. It's been pretty hectic for my mommy and daddy since I haven't been feeling well. I've had a cold with sneezes and coughs and it settled in my ear and chest. I ended up with an ear infection and breathing treatments for at least a week. It sounds horrible and I felt really, really bad but I'm on the road to recovery and feeling much better!

I did a lot of sleeping durring the holiday!
This was one of my Christmas presents! I can't wait till it fits!

Here I am with mommy and Uncle John!

Daddy's Little Girl!

Me and mommy!

Here is a family pic of our first Christmas!